About Me

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Seminole, Texas, United States
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." - Sir Winston Churchill

Thursday, April 19

Still Kickin!

Man! Has it really been two whole weeks since I lasted posted? WOW! Time really does fly when you're living in the middle of a tornado!

The new job? eh - let's just say it's there for now. More dish on that later.

The old job? Still hanging on to me. My replacement is not as qualified as my former employers led me to believe. In the first two weeks of April I put in 80 hours at the new job while putting in 26 hours at the old job. And the former employer expects me to put in more time this week with the new girl. Uh uh. Ain't gonna happen.

All is well with the family. Apparently my 3 year old son is quite smitten with one of my new co-workers. Can you believe he would rather come by and see her than rush home to ride on his brand new battery powered John Deere tractor??!!!?? Hubby and I are completely befuddled by this. She gave him some cash the other day. The boy already knows how to work it.

Gotta go. More later!

Hugs to all!

Thursday, April 5

Wake Up Call

So I've been on the new job for 3.5 days. While the new duties and opportunity for challenge are stimulating in and of themselves, I've had a pretty big jolt back to "the real world."

The secular work environment is very different from employment that requires one to be knee deep (literally) in religion on a day-to-day basis. Not only is secular employment 90% for profit, the competitiveness in the workplace is almost palpable. I had forgotten the dog eat dog mentality despite retaining my alligator skin from my lawyering days.

This is not to say that I am not enjoying the new work. I feel like it was a good choice for me and my family and I truly believe that I will be an asset to this company that has such huge potential. But there is something to be said for the very warm, very heart-engaging work that one does in a church office.

My time with my church will be remembered fondly.

And my acquired servant's heart will always be thankful for the experience.

Sunday, April 1

Off to See the Wizard!

Well, I start my new job tomorrow. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I am pretty excited about it. I'm not real thrilled about all the soap opera dramma that has been transpiring in and around the new office but I'm feeling confident that I will be able to set the tone (as the new Office Administrator/HR Director) for the office to be professional and productive without all the teen-age angst mentality that has apparently been going on.

So if you don't hear from me for a few days, never fear! I will be back and with any luck, I'll have some interesting if not funny stories to tell.

To Infinity and Beyonnnnnnnnddddddd . . . . . . ! ! ! !